Edessa,Greece * 01/03/24 - 08/06/25


Here we are! For second time in a row to provide you with a completely different level of competition! The Skills Games – Round 2 held in 2024 will be a totally new experience of fair play and fitness! So..Get READY! Do you Have The SKILLS?!



Every year countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (14 June).

The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.

A blood service that gives patients access to safe blood and blood products in sufficient quantity is a key component of an effective health system.

The global theme of World Blood Donor Day changes each year in recognition of the selfless individuals who donate their blood for people unknown to them and The Skills Games is our way to celebrate this generous act of unconditional love!

I am competing for the first time, can I still enter?
Of course! This is a community race, you compete with fellow athletes of the same level. If you need to stop for a breather do so! Forget the times for a few seconds and enjoy the opportunity you are given to compete!

What if I can't finish the race?
For each workout, maximum "cap time" execution times have been set, with the result that incidents of over-exertion are prevented as the competition will have more than one workout. At the end of the cap time, all athletes stop the effort, and their performance up to that point is measured by the respective judge.

What will the weather be like the week of the race?
The first days of June are close to the heart of summer, so rain or temperatures below 20 degrees would be a big surprise for everyone. During the day temperatures are generally around 28 degrees, the maximum is usually around 32-35 C. At night it can drop to 24 degrees Celsius.

Will there be medical support?
Yes, we will have specialized staff at the event.

Is a commemorative T-shirt available with participation?
To receive the commemorative t-shirt you will need to fill in the size during registration.

Is there an Early Bird Price?
The Early Bird price of €40 per person will be valid until April 14, 2024, while from April 15, 2024 it will be €50 per person.

Are there refunds in case of not being able to attend the match?
Applications for a refund of 30% of the participation value are accepted until April 15, 2024.

Is there a discount for minor students?
There is no discount for underage students as any service you book at the original price is at the lowest possible price reserved for you.

To participate in the races requires full acceptance of the regulations:

  1. Athletes competing should understand that they are moving in an open, exposed to particular weather conditions that will prevail on that particular day of the race.
  2. Men and women of all ages are accepted.
  3. Valid participation is considered to be valid after it has been paid off financially.
  4. Participants are obliged to fully comply with the regulations set by the organizer. They are also obliged to obey the suggestions of the individuals (eg. volunteers, reviewers) designated by the organizer. Failure to comply with the regulations or instructions will result in the exclusion penalty, with no refund or any other costs. Any person authorized by the event manager may record any infringement that he has perceived and report it to the event manager.
  5. Any marking of the space provided by the event manager is temporary, intended to serve the participants, and is removed after the event.
  6. Athletes are involved at their own risk and the organizing authority is not responsible for any injuries they may have, as stated in the statement of responsibility or here. However, qualified medical personnel and a fully equipped ambulance will be available. There will also be rescue teams covering the event.
  7. Participants must have been examined by a physician who has judged them capable of participating in the particular event. Medical advice must not be older than 30 days from the last day of the event. The use of a mask is mandatory before the start and immediately after the finish of the race for the athletes.
  8. Athletes will be able to visit the toilets, which follow the safety and cleanliness protocols.
  9. It is strictly forbidden to dispose any kind of object during the whole event, such as plastic bottles or any other solid or liquid food packaging material used by athletes during the event. Disposal of packaging materials or other non-organic waste anywhere on the route beyond the predetermined, carries an exclusion penalty, no refund, or any other costs.
  10. The event manager undertakes to supervise the field of play with specialized personnel in safety, rescue, and medical assistance to the participants in need. In cases where security personnel and referees indicate to athletes that the event must be stopped for safety reasons, the latter is obliged to obey. Non-compliance means exclusion, no refund, or any other costs.
  11. In case of need, the event manager reserves the right to postpone the start of the event in order not to endanger the physical integrity of the participants. In very extreme conditions he can cancel the event.
  12. Participant exclusion occurs for: a) Pollution of the site. b) Inappropriate behavior towards the organizing staff. c) Inappropriate behavior towards the spectators of the event. d) Non-compliance with these Regulations.
  13. The organizers are not responsible for the deaths, injuries, or any damage to the health of the participants who, upon submitting their request for participation, declare that they are aware of the risks involved including those allegedly attributed to the negligent acts or omissions of the foregoing that their health status is good and allows them to participate, and they have recently been examined by a doctor on this subject. However, no participant will be required to submit a medical certificate. They are obliged to perform regular medical checkups in order to check their health status. The event managers disclaim any responsibility for the physical integrity of the participants, who should behave responsibly at any dangerous points on the route. The organizers disclaim any financial responsibility in the event of outside assistance to any athlete.
  14. Participants consent to be featured in photographs or any other media from the event, which shall be used exclusively to promote the event.
  15. The organizers have the authority to modify the rules and regulations of the event, with no further notice.

There is a partial refund of 30% until 15 April 2024.




Edessa, Greece

