Chalkida Throwdown 2023

Chalkida,Greece * 08/04/23 - 09/04/23

Qualifier Individuals - Elite Men - WOD 1 a

Workout Details

WOD 1a – For Time – Total Time Cap 20 minutes

5 Rounds for Time

20 Calories Row

10 Double Dumbbell Devil Press @ 20 kgs 

1 Squat Clean 90 kg

*After every round add 1 Squat Clean


Workout Notes

Video Specs:

State the Athlete's Name, division, and equipment specs BEFORE beginning the Workout.  The athlete, timer, and equipment Must ALWAYS be in view of the camera recording. 

BEFORE EVERY movement, the camera must show the EXACT setting, especially for the ROWER!  

Calories must be set to 0 FROM The athlete and no one else.

The Camera MUST show the calories COMPLETED for every round!



The Concept 2 Rower (ONLY) is set @ 0 Calories with the air resistance at 100% still.  The Handle can be set at the "resting" position.  The dumbbells must be visible throughout the video and placed on one of the sides of the rower.  The barbell MUST be visible throughout the video with the weights locked with clamps.  The extra weights must be placed NEXT to the barbell.

Workout Flow:

The timer is set to count up or count down but the available time for parts A and B is 20 minutes.

At 3, 2, and 1 the athlete begins rowing the set calories as noted in their division.  Once the calories are completed the athlete moves to the Double Devil Press.  When the repetitions are completed the athlete performs a Squat Clean with the exact weight in their division.  At the closing of the round, the athlete repeats this sequence for another four (4) Rounds adding one Repetition to the Squat Clean ONLY.



Please follow the Crossfit Specs for EACH movement.  No reps will be awarded to athletes who:

  • Don't show the rower's display before and after every set.
  • Do not perform EACH movement Clearly locking out in every position.
  • Do not perform all of the reps.
  • Penalty: 10-second addition to the final score for every NO REP!


Time is called at the END of the 5th round after the final 5th Squat Clean has been completed.

The remaining time in the 20-minute window is the time allowed for WOD 1 B.



#enjoy #chalkidathrowdown

Qualifier Individuals - Elite Men - WOD 1 b

Workout Details

WOD 1b – For Max Weight – Total Time:  Remaining from the 20-minute Window of WOD 1a



Find your 1 Rep Max Front Squat

*From the Racks

Workout Notes

Video Specs:

The final weight MUST be visible while completing the rep and then recorded CLEARLY.  If the weight at the end of the rep is dropped and the plates don't remain on the barbell the rep is NO REP!  The weights must be removed one by one and shown.


The barbell begins mounted on the Racks.  The athlete places the desired weight on the barbell and performs the movement.  Once the rep is locked out, the weight can be dropped to the floor or placed back on the racks.

Workout Flow:

The timer is set to count up or count down but the available time for parts A and B is 20 minutes.

At 3, 2, and 1 the athlete begins the movement from the racks.  Once the initial repetition is complete and the athlete decides to continue, the next set of weights is mounted on the barbell from the racks.  the workout ends when the athlete cannot complete a successful rep or the time ends from the total 20-minute window.

The weights can ONLY increase and the repetitions are unlimited!



Please follow the Crossfit Specs for the front squat movement.  No reps will be awarded to athletes who:

  • Do not perform EACH movement Clearly locking out in every position.
  • Do not squat below parallel.
  • Do not perform all of the reps.
  • Penalty: 15/30 kg reduction to the final score for a NO REP!


#enjoy #chalkidathrowdown

Qualifier Individuals - Elite Men - WOD 2

Workout Details

WOD 2 – AMRAP 9 Minutes - For Max Reps


30 Double Unders

10 Wall Ball Shots @ High Target 


Height:  3.30 m 

Ball Weight:  9 kg

Workout Notes

Video Specs:

State the Athlete's Name, division, and equipment specs BEFORE beginning the Workout.  The athlete, timer, and equipment Must ALWAYS be in view of the camera recording. 

BOTH sides of the MEASURING tape must be visible in the video for the height of the Target.  THE VIDEO will NOT be considered valid if the camera doesn't shot BOTH sides!



The jump rope must be on the ground with the ball right in front of the target.

Workout Flow:

The timer is set to count up or count down but the available time of nine (9) minutes.

At 3, 2, and 1 the athlete begins by picking up the jump rope and performing the required reps.  Once the required reps are completed, the athlete moves to the next movement to perform the Wall Ball Shots.  The repetition can begin with a "pick up, drop and thrown" technique or from a direct Squat position pick up.  At the closing of the round, the athlete repeats this sequence for the remaining period of time.


Please follow the Crossfit Specs for EACH movement.  No reps will be awarded to athletes who:

  • Don't show the equipment throughout the video.
  • Do not perform EACH movement Clearly locking out in every position.
  • Do not perform all of the reps.
  • Penalty: 5 Reps will be deducted from the final score for every NO REP!


Time is called at the end of the 9-minute window.



#enjoy #chalkidathrowdown

Qualifier Individuals - Elite Men - WOD 3

Workout Details

WOD 3 - For Time - 10-Minute Cap

3 Rounds for Time

15 Toes to Bar

10 Chest to Bar

5 Bar Muscle

15 Double Dumbbell Step Over the Box


Dumbbell Weight:  2x20 kg

Box Height:  60 cm

Workout Notes

Video Specs:

State the Athlete's Name, division, and equipment specs BEFORE beginning the Workout.  The athlete, timer, and equipment Must ALWAYS be in view of the camera recording.

The frame of the camera must ALWAYS have BOTH sides of the box measuring 60*70*50 cm at LEAST!



The athlete must NOT be holding on to the pull-up bar and standing below it.  The dumbbells must always be in the video once they have been recorded.


Workout Flow:

The timer is set to count up or count down but the available time is 10 minutes.

At 3, 2, and 1 the athlete begins with the first movement and can only move to the next movement only when the total number of reps is completed.  At the closing of the round, the athlete repeats this sequence for another two(2) Rounds.



Please follow the Crossfit Specs for EACH movement.  No reps will be awarded to athletes who:

  • Doesn't begin with the equipment in the video frame.
  • Do not perform EACH movement Clearly locking out in every position.
  • Do not perform all of the reps.
  • Penalty: 10-second addition to the final score for every NO REP!


Time is called at the END of the 3rd round after the final reps and both feet have touched the ground. 


#enjoy #chalkidathrowdown